Audio/Video Production
COM3105: AV Preproduction 2
COM3115: AV Production 2
- Description: Students expand on intermediate audio and video production techniques.
- Prerequisite: COM2115: AV Production 1
COM3125: AV Postproduction 2
- Students expand on digital editing software skills to edit and process audio and video, and continue working with motion graphics and audio/video effects to enhance a product.
- Prerequisite: COM2125: AV Postproduction 1
COM3135: Audio Techniques
- Students expand on audio production techniques to plan, develop and produce specific audio projects.
- Prerequisite: COM2115: AV Production 1
COM3165: AV Broadcasting
- Description: Students work through the sequential steps of audio/video production, including shooting, writing, editing and performance. Group work, peer-collaboration and deadlines make this a real-life experience culminating in a broadcast that is entirely produced by students.
- Prerequisite: COM1105: Audio/Video
COM3005: Creative Writing
- Students focus on honing the techniques and skills involved in story development, character pre-visualization and conceptualization for various genres of media production.
- Prerequisite: COM2105: AV Preproduction 1
Graphic Design
COM3025: Electronic Layout & Publishing 2
- Students build on the knowledge and practice gained in Electronic Layout & Publishing 1 and continue to work with desktop publishing software and hardware. Students expand their publication design, layout and print production skills by planning and creating customized, professional, multipage documents for a client.
- Prerequisite: COM2025: Electronic Layout & Publishing 1
COM3035: Raster Graphics 2
- Students build on the knowledge and skills acquired in Raster Graphics 1 by using raster editing software to create advanced raster graphics.
- Prerequisite: COM2035: Raster Graphics 1
COM3045: Vector Graphics 2
- Students build on knowledge and skills acquired in Vector Graphics 1 by using vector editing software to create advanced vector graphics.
- Prerequisite: COM2045: Vector Graphics 1
COM3155: Design – Advertising Campaigns
- Students develop advertising skills through projects and activities in conceptualization, campaign development and copy writing. The delivery and presentation of an ad campaign is also a major focus. Students enhance their abilities to integrate various media for the purpose of producing a multimedia message for a target audience.
- Prerequisite: COM2155: Design – Brand Identity
Web Design
COM3055: Rich Media – Basics
- Students learn to create online animations and interactive Web elements and applications to enhance an existing Web site.
- Prerequisite: COM2055: Web Design 2
COM3065: Rich Media – Programming
- Students develop programming skills for creating more complex interactive Web sites. Students also develop skills such as understanding the event model and object-oriented environment.
- Prerequisite: COM3055: Rich Media – Basics
COM3075: Cascading Style Sheets
- Students develop accessible and standards-compliant Web pages using current techniques for advanced cascading style sheets (CSS).
- Prerequisite: COM2055: Web Design 2
COM3085: Content Management Systems
- Students expand their skills from Web Design 2 by learning how to install and administer a content management system (CMS).
- Prerequisite: COM2055: Web Design 2
3D and 2D Design and Animation
COM3145: Animation 3
- Students apply production planning techniques to produce a sophisticated animation for a client that tells a story, communicates an idea or a message, and creates a mood or establishes a theme.
- Prerequisite: COM2145: Animation 2
DES3035: 2-D Design 3
- Students apply theories, skills and techniques to resolve complex 2-D design problems. Emphasis is placed on exploring shape, composition, aesthetics, cultural context, materials, processes and systems, while addressing social responsibility and environmental stewardship.
- Prerequisite: DES2035: 2-D Design 2
DES3045: 3-D Design 3
- Students apply theories, skills and techniques appropriate to 3-D design. Students will deal with such aspects as shaping, massing, proportion, scale, contrast, colour, texture and finish within the context of complex 3-D design projects. Students are introduced to cultural, symbolic and human factors, principles and ergonomic considerations.
- Prerequisite: DES2045: 3-D Design 2
DES3145: Modelling – Real
- Students use the principles and techniques of physical modelling. They will develop the ability to construct models using a variety or materials, equipment and techniques from working drawings.
- Prerequisite: DES1010: Sketch, Draw & Model
DES3165: Presentation
- Students apply rendering techniques to line drawings (base or developed), concentrating on light, colour and various media; e.g., coloured pencils, marker pens, water colours, computer rendering. Presentation techniques are used to compose high quality images to communicate a design solution.
- Prerequisite: None
DES3170: Future of Design
- Students explore new possibilities in design, including the role of the designer and the challenges that are faced by designers.
- Prerequisite: None
COM3910: COM Project D
- Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally relevant.
- Prerequisite: None
COM3920: COM Project E
- Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally relevant.
- Prerequisite: None
COM3285: Com Tech Client Services 2
DES3910: DES Project D
- Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally relevant.
- Prerequisite: None
DES3920: DES Project E
- Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are personally relevant.
- Prerequisite: None