Bev Facey Community High

COM2105: AV Preproduction 1

Assignment 1 - Plan

Assignment 2 - Script

Create a script including, if applicable:

Assignment 3 - Storyboard and Shotlist


The student will:

  1. describe various media preproduction considerations
    1. describe the different types of production work flow; e.g., storyboard, script, shot list, flowchart
    2. consider final output and the criteria that it dictates
    3. describe the characteristics of a plan; e.g., beginning, middle, end; appropriate length; audience needs
  2. identify and use an appropriate planning process in creating preproduction for a media format
    1. understand that preproduction follows a process; e.g., identify a topic, conduct research, choose the medium/format and justify selection, develop a content/story line, develop a draft plan, collect and use feedback to further the planning process, develop a final production plan
    2. identify and describe the principles of planning for more than one media format
    3. produce a production plan
  3. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
  4. present and discuss a production plan; e.g., project plan, shot list or storyboard, edited project
    1. discuss the work regarding each of the following, if applicable:
      1. how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
      2. the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
      3. areas of concern/difficulty
      4. the relationship of the short outline/script to the production plan
      5. the quality of the completed project
      6. meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
    2. participate in peer/teacher assessment
    3. add the selected work to a portfolio
  5. apply consistent and appropriate work station routines
    1. demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
    2. demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
  6. demonstrate basic competencies
    1. demonstrate fundamental skills to:
      1. communicate
      2. manage information
      3. use numbers
      4. think and solve problems
    2. demonstrate personal management skills to:
      1. demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
      2. be responsible
      3. be adaptable
      4. learn continuously
      5. work safely
    3. demonstrate teamwork skills to:
      1. work with others
      2. participate in projects and tasks
  7. identify possible life roles related to the skills and content of this cluster
    1. recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
    2. identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities