Bev Facey Community High

COM1035: Graphics Tools

Assignment 1 - Theory

  1. Explain the advantages of using vector-based versus raster-based formats.
  2. List three common raster graphic file formats.
  3. List three common vector graphic file formats.

Assignment 2 - Graphics Programs Tutorials

  1. Spend at least two class periods exploring tutorials for Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.
  2. Spend at least two class periods exploring tutorials for Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape.

Recreate a logo, such as the school logo, as a vector graphic. Your vector version should look as much like the original as possible.

Assignment 4 - Poster Project

Create a poster in Illustrator or Inkscape using graphics imported from Photoshop or GIMP. It must include:

  1. A minimum of three images from the internet (legally) or pictures you have taken.
    • Each graphic must be edited in Photoshop or GIMP and you must use a combined total of 10 different tools.
    • Be sure to keep a copy of each original picture to create a presentation or document showing before and after
  2. A minimum of 5 shapes created in Illustrator or Inkscapte. You must apply appropriate use of color and gradients to your shapes as well.
  3. A variety of text demonstrating different typography.

Assignment 5 - Project Presentation

  1. Show your project to an audience and ask for feedback.
  2. Provide feedback to at least one other student.
  3. Write an evaluation of your own work, including:
    1. how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
    2. the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
    3. areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
    4. meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
    5. the use of tools and equipment


The student will

  1. investigate graphic programs
    1. describe key features of graphic programs, considering:
      1. purpose/use
      2. resources required
      3. cost
      4. ease of use
      5. industry standards
    2. explain the advantages of using vector-based versus raster-based formats
  2. select and use appropriate applications to create basic vector and raster graphic images
    1. understand and use the primary program interface, using correct terminology
    2. understand the importance and purpose of various file formats, resolutions and file sizes
    3. set up a new document, considering:
      1. size and type of output
      2. units of measure
      3. bleeding
      4. use of colour in graphics
      5. appropriate colour mode
      6. pixel ratio
    4. import images from various image-capture devices into a graphics program; e.g., stock images, photographs, scanned images
    5. use help functions and references as appropriate
    6. demonstrate use of basic tools; e.g., selection, crop, slice, drawing, type, retouching, reshaping, symbol, graph, annotation, measuring, navigation
    7. create and/or manipulate original vector and raster graphics
  3. organize and manage image files using correct file conventions
  4. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
  5. present a selection of work completed in this course to an audience
    1. discuss work regarding:
      1. how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
      2. the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
      3. areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
      4. meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
      5. the use of tools and equipment
    2. participate in peer/teacher assessment
    3. add the selected work to a portfolio
  6. apply consistent and appropriate work station routines
    1. demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
    2. demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
  7. demonstrate basic competencies
    1. demonstrate fundamental skills to:
      1. communicate
      2. manage information
      3. use numbers
      4. think and solve problems
    2. demonstrate personal management skills to:
      1. demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
      2. be responsible
      3. be adaptable
      4. learn continuously
      5. work safely
    3. demonstrate teamwork skills to:
      1. work with others
      2. participate in projects and tasks
  8. make personal connections to the cluster content and processes to inform possible pathway choices
    1. complete/update a personal inventory; e.g., interests, values, beliefs, resources, prior learning and experiences
    2. create a connection between a personal inventory and occupational choices