Bev Facey Community High

COM1005: Visual Composition


Assignment 1 - Principles and Elements of Design

A. Create a document or slide deck that contains a definition and two examples (images or drawings) for each of the following principles and elements. You must also include a citation for the information and links to the original images (if you didn’t create them yourself).

Principles of Design

1. Balance
2. Emphasis
3. Proportion (Scale)
4. Repetition (Rhythm/Pattern)
5. Unity
6. Contrast
7. Harmony
8. Proximity
9. Variety

Elements of Design

1. Line
2. Shape (2D)
3. Form (3D)
4. Colour
5. Texture
6. Depth (Perspective)
7. Light
8. Direction (Motion)
9. Mass (Visual Weight)
10. Tone (Black and White)
11. Value (Colour)
12. Space (Positive and Negative)

Some potential links you can use for reference:

Write a script and then create an audio (or video) recording to answer the following question.

Assignment 3 - Typography

A. Create a document, slide deck, video, or other (approved) media to give a definition and example of each of the following typograph concepts. You must also include a citation for the information and links to the original images (if you didn’t create them yourself).

1. capline
2. topline
3. midline
4. baseline
5. beardline
6. serif
7. sans serif
8. monospace
9. ascender
10. descender
11. bowl
12. counter

B. Write a paragraph (or create a recording) to discuss the use of the elements and principles of design in purposeful text creation; e.g., attention-getting text versus readable text.

C. For each of the following, decide which of the two fonts is more approprate and explain why.

1. a business letter (Cambria or Lucida Blackletter)
2. a company website (Verdana or Arial Black)
3. A fancy party invitation (Lucida Console or Monotype Corsivas)
4. A kids party invitation (Comic Sans or Times New Roman)
5. A sign that says "Do Not Enter" (Impact or Georgia)

D. What is the role of whitespace in the use of text?

Potential websites for reference:

Assignment 4 - Demonstration Compositions Projects

A. Create two visual composition projects using a variety of media (e.g., print, photography, video, animation) where a number of elements and principles of design are used. Examples of projects include typographical images, kinetic typography, word art, tag clouds, or advertisements.

B. Present the completed compositions to other students and/or some adults and then give yourself a rating out of four on each of the following for each composition. You may also add comments to each rating.

1. The elements and principles of design helped facilitate good composition in my composition.
2. My composition is unique.
3. My composition is of good quality.
4. My composition demonstrates good technical skills.
5. The purpose or theme of the composition is clear.
6. The composition is appropriate for school and community standards.
7. I received meaning feedback from the people I presented to.
8. I was able to overcome difficulties and address concerns with my work.
9. Through this project I grew in my knowledge and skills.

C. Provide feedback for at least one other student on their compositions.

1. Identify elements and principles used in the compositions.
2. Comment on the impact of the elements and principles in the construction of the message.
3. Provide feedback on the technical aspects and overall quality of the compositions.

Competencies and Skills

You will also be evaluated on your basic competencies such as your ability to:


The student will

  1. identify and discuss the elements and principles of design
    1. define the elements of design
    2. identify the elements of design using examples
    3. describe the impact of each element on the visual message; e.g., line, shape (2D) or form (3D), colour, texture, depth (perspective), light, direction (motion), mass (visual weight), tone (black and white) or value (colour), space (positive and negative)
    4. define the principles of design
    5. identify the principles of design using examples
    6. describe the impact of each principle on the visual message; e.g., balance, emphasis, proportion (scale), repetition (rhythm/pattern), unity, contrast, harmony, proximity, variety
  2. discuss typography as it relates to the use of text in visual messages
    1. explore the meanings of common terms used in typography; e.g., capline, topline, midline, baseline, beardline, serif, san serif, ascender, descender, bowl, counter
    2. discuss the use of the elements and principles of design in purposeful text creation; e.g., attention-getting text versus readable text
    3. discuss the role of whitespace in the use of text
  3. produce visual compositions using a variety of media, e.g., print, photography, video, animation, where a number of elements and principles of design are used and have an identifiable impact on the intent of the message
  4. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
  5. present a selection of work completed in this course to an audience
    1. discuss work regarding:
      1. how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition in his or her work
      2. the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
      3. areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
      4. meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
    2. add the selected work to a portfolio
  6. participate in a critique or an assessment of compositions created by others; e.g., classmates, professionals
    1. identify elements and principles used in the images
    2. comment on the impact of the elements and principles in the construction of the message
  7. apply consistent and appropriate work station routines
    1. demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
    2. demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
  8. demonstrate basic competencies
    1. demonstrate fundamental skills to:
      1. communicate
      2. manage information
      3. use numbers
      4. think and solve problems
    2. demonstrate personal management skills to:
      1. demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
      2. be responsible
      3. be adaptable
      4. learn continuously
      5. work safely
    3. demonstrate teamwork skills to:
      1. work with others
      2. participate in projects and tasks
  9. make personal connections to the cluster content and processes to inform possible pathway choices
    1. complete/update a personal inventory; e.g., interests, values, beliefs, resources, prior learning and experiences
    2. create a connection between a personal inventory and occupational choices