Bev Facey Community High

COM1015: Media

Assignment 1 - Theory

  1. Define the term “media”.
  2. Describe key characteristics of each of the following types of media:
    1. photography
    2. print (physical and digital)
    3. video
    4. audio (e.g. radio, podcasts, audiobooks)
  3. Briefly describe how each of the following has impacted society:
    1. smartphones
    2. internet
    3. advertising and consumerism
    4. social media
    5. influencers
    6. political advertisements and campaigns
    7. movies and television

Assignment 2 - Media Analysis

Choose a media composition (visual, print, audio, and/or video). For example, a movie, poster, podcast episode, commercial, or photograph. Describe its:

  1. intent
  2. project planning and execution; e.g., storyboard, script, audio, visual
  3. appropriateness of layout
  4. clarity of message
  5. techniques used

Assignment 3 - Media Presentation

Create and present a design with a message, using a media of your choice, ensuring that the:

  1. layout is suitable
  2. image or audio is appropriate
  3. message is clear

Assignment 4 - Project Presentation

  1. Show your project to an audience and ask for feedback.
  2. Provide feedback to at least one other student.
  3. Write an evaluation of your own work, including:
    1. how well the assignment met the objectives
    2. how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition (if applicable)
    3. the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
    4. areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
    5. meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
    6. the use of tools and equipment


The student will:

  1. identify and describe current media
    1. identify and describe current and new media; e.g., technology, materials
    2. identify and describe key characteristics of each type of media (e.g., photography, print, audio or video production) given various samples
    3. identify the message from various types of media
  2. explore the impact media has on society, considering:
    • technology; e.g., smartphones, Internet
    • economics; e.g., consumerism, spending habits
    • community; e.g., lifestyle, environment
    • politics; e.g., grassroots movement
  3. analyze various types of media used to communicate ideas and information
    1. critique sample projects (e.g., professional, student) regarding:
      1. intent
      2. project planning and execution; e.g., storyboard, script, audio, visual
      3. appropriateness of layout
      4. clarity of message
      5. techniques used
    2. capture and display images and/or sound with available technology
  4. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
  5. prepare and deliver a presentation using media of choice
    1. create a design with a message and display the message, ensuring that the:
      1. layout is suitable
      2. image or audio is appropriate
      3. message is clear
    2. critique and evaluate own work and the work of others based on appropriateness and effectiveness of assignment(s) with respect to:
      1. how well the assignment met the objectives
      2. how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition in his or her work (if applicable)
      3. the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
      4. areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
      5. meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
      6. the use of tools and equipment
    3. add the selected work to a portfolio
  6. apply consistent and appropriate work station routines
    1. demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
    2. demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
  7. demonstrate basic competencies
    1. demonstrate fundamental skills to:
      1. communicate
      2. manage information
      3. use numbers
      4. think and solve problems
    2. demonstrate personal management skills to:
      1. demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
      2. be responsible
      3. be adaptable
      4. learn continuously
      5. work safely
    3. demonstrate teamwork skills to:
      1. work with others
      2. participate in projects and tasks
  8. make personal connections to the cluster content and processes to inform possible pathway choices
    1. complete/update a personal inventory; e.g., interests, values, beliefs, resources, prior learning and experiences
    2. create a connection between a personal inventory and occupational choices