Bev Facey Community High

NET2030: Network Structures

Students acquire an understanding of network infrastructure and assess the advantages and disadvantages of different types of networks. They also develop knowledge of data transmission principles in a computer network and compare features of different network topologies and transmission methods.


In a document, slide deck, recording, or using another (approved) media, answer the following in full sentences.

  1. List at least four historical telecommunications devices, not including the telegraph or the internet.
  2. How have standards for data transmission changed over time, from Morse code to the American standard code for information interchange (ASCII)?
  3. Create a time line of specific milestones in the history of computer networking.
  4. What is one emerging networking technology and its potential impact on global communications?
  5. Give three examples of resources commonly shared within a network environment.
  6. Compare and contrast peer-to-peer networks and server-based networks with respect to:
    1. number of work stations
    2. relative cost
    3. security
    4. administration
    5. data backup
  7. Describe and compare the structure, purpose and function of local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs) and wide area networks (WANs).
  8. What is the difference between digital and analogue signalling? Give an example of each.
  9. Define each of the following as they relate to data signalling and transmission:
    1. propagation, modulation and encoding
    2. baseband and broadband signalling
    3. transmission speed and bandwidth
    4. attenuation, reflection and noise
    5. dispersion, jitter and latency
    6. data collision
  10. Describe and illustrate the structure of data packets and frames.
  11. Convert binary numbers 101 and 11111111 to decimal numbers.
  12. Convert the hexadecimal numbers 21 and FF to decimal numbers.

Throughout the course you will also be evaluated on your basic competencies such as your ability to:


  1. Install and use packet-sniffing software, such as Wireshark, to capture and analyze data packets and frames.
  2. Select an appropriate network topology and architecture, and design a network to address user needs, given a particular set of network requirements.
    • For example, assemble a LAN gaming network.
  3. Create a schematic diagram for the physical layout of your designed network.